Saturday projects +ulris visiting

Ulrik came to hang with us. He was a bit sleepy, so fell asleep on tante Marias lap, whilst watching the dudes playing with cars. After a short nap it was action time.

Tilde and Ronja had a waffle café at the new corner, and lots of neighbors came.

We did a lot of hanging out in the garden, jumping on the trampoline and after everyone had gone home, DaMamasInDaHouse started what’s gonna be the base for the kids tree house.

Woop woop! Mgp junior now. Alfred from 7th year is on it. He’s soooo cool!


The big day og the platt. Mikkel and mamma went shopping, and Mikkel invested in a swimmingpool.

There were several pool-parties, and the platt was moving on.

Grandad and grandma Chris

… Are here. Yesterday we had Dugnad in the house. Grandad helped making a deck, bestemor and bestefar Olav and Gloria and Juaquin were here and we had cake, and today grandad and Chris had an art-making-workshop with the kids.

Russ in the garden!

Ronja and Mikkel and Edvard and Synne were pretty excited when two russ came and put their tent up in the garden. Edvard skipped swim training and Synne didn’t want to go to a birthday party. Ronja and Mikkel were more chill because they were their russ weren’t they? So why not climb them on the trampoline, and force them to do tricks! Later three more came. We will see how the night goes. But mamma has their mammas number. So it will probably be fine, in – 3!..