This and that.. 

Last thursdag 1kda had a fleemarket. Mikkel bought himself a “computer”

Went to the cottage at the weekend, and it was really nice – exempt the car broke, and we had to get the bus home on suday…

Best thing of the weekend, though: Mikke got to get a ride in a resque-lorry!


We went to a flee market in malvik. Decided to go for a walk before we had to pick something up from FINN, so we went for a walk at grillstad marina. Very cold and windy. Some of us were grumpy, some were feeling a bit ill. Some were OK.

Spring thing! 

Daniel was cutting wood with Lars-Erik and Olav while the rest of us went to ikea, bought a few things like a bed for mikkel and his new room. Afterwards we did some seeding(?) Pretty soon there is gonna be tomato and mangetouts in out new greenhouse!

Linear perspective 

We drew a table for Ronja with two glasses to explain what perspective is. She grabbed the pencil because she wanted to draw plates. We were surprised and almost shocked to see that she drew them proportional and also oval!.. She is a genius!