Ronja walked home from school with Tilde today, she got home about 20 minutes before Mikkel and mamma and just played in the garden.

This “school starter” is also really cool!


Mikkel er med på bursdagen til Karoline og står og vasker hendene på do:”føles det kult å vær en mamma?” (meg:ja, det føles egentlig veldig bra”)
M: “det føles veldig bra å vær en gutt også. Asså ungen din”

Walking to school

Today Ronja and Tilde walked to Annas house alone today, and from there they walked with Anna and her dad. It’s been such an amazing development this week! It was only Tuesday she cried when we left her at school.. Mikkel is still struggling a bit with the situation, though. 

First day at school 

Our little gangster walked to school. 

Played a bit

There was a nice seremony where they all got a rose 

Here is Ronjas teacher, Anne Lise 

Went for sushi, just like Ronja wanted!