Siracusa, Saturday

We went to the Greek and roman theatre, saw the quarry and the ear of dionyssos. Truly amazing! Then we went to the beach. Very local, very full, very beautiful! Had a stroll in the evening.


Drove to this amazing town, had a stroll and a snack and checked into out first Airbnb location!.. Small, but clean and with air condition.


or those especially interested. Note that we have already spotted the last standing doric columns in western Europe. Probably because most of the other ones were made in wood and cob.


It only took a couple of days to double check, but yes, Ronja and Mikkel can both swim now.

Both chillaxing in the sun:


Got up at 3.30, got to Sicilia for lunch. Good thing they had a big sward fish – We were really hungry. Had a bath and early to bed. Today we did some more swimming. Now food again!